First Aid at Work Refresher

Duration: 3 hours over half a day

The purpose of this course is to prevent the inevitable loss of skills over the three year period between courses.

“HSE strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training within any three year certification period of FAW or EFAW.” (HSE document, “First aid training and qualifications for the purposes of the Health and Safety(FirstAid)Regulations 1981”)

Unlike most other workplace skills, which are generally put into practice immediately after they are learned, first aid – hopefully – will remain unused year after year. The resulting “skill fade”, means that after a few years many first aiders have forgotten most of their skills. By attending refresher courses, these skills are kept alive and fresh, ready to be used at a moment’s notice.

This course covers:

  • assessing the situation in an emergency;
  • administering first aid to a casualty who is unconscious (including seizure);
  • administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  • administering first aid to a casualty who is wounded and bleeding;
  • administering first aid to a casualty who is suffering from shock.